Best Oncologist in India (Cancer Specialist) - Dr. Sandeep Nayak

Dr. Sandeep Nayak pioneered laparoscopic and robotic cancer surgery in India. Cancer can now be detected and treated more quickly thanks to advancements in healthcare infrastructure and technology, mainly when using cutting-edge cancer treatment techniques such as laparoscopy and robotic surgery.

Dr. Sandeep Nayak is one of the few cancer doctors in India who has received extensive laparoscopic and robotic cancer surgery training. He is an expert in the early detection and treatment of cancer. This makes him one of the best oncologists in Bangalore.

Moreover, Dr. Sandeep Nayak is the director of the robotic and laparoscopic surgical oncology department at Fortis Hospital, a renowned multispecialty and one of the best cancer hospitals in India with JCI and NABH accreditation.

He is also a Professor and HOD of Minimal Access Surgical Oncology (Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences). Many doctors across India and world visit him for further training in robotic and laparoscopic cancer surgery.

Dr. Nayak aims to save cancer patients from painful surgery by replacing traditional open cancer surgery with improved laparoscopic and robotic surgical techniques.

Dr. Sandeep Nayak intends to give the key message: “The long-term outcome of cancer treatment depends on the quality of the surgery, not the approach, whether open, laparoscopic, or robotic surgery”.

A patient can choose robotic or laparoscopic surgery because of the numerous advantages.” When compared to traditional open surgical cancer treatment, some of those advantages are as follows:

  • Lesser pain and discomfort.
  • Less blood loss.
  • Scarless and cosmetically better results.
  • Shorter hospitalizations.
  • Faster return to normal life.
  • Fewer wound-related complications.
  • Highest possible surgical cure rate.

Areas of Specialization

Laparoscopic Cancer Surgery

Laparoscopic Cancer Surgery

Laparoscopic surgery, also known as minimally invasive surgery, involves smaller incisions than traditional open surgery. Dr. Sandeep Nayak is regarded as a pioneer in using these techniques, earning him the title of “best oncologist in India.” He has used cutting-edge techniques to perform various cancer surgeries on the intestine and other organs for the past few years.

Laparoscopy incisions are 0.5-1 cm in size, much smaller than those used in open surgery. In medical terms, each incision in laparoscopy surgery is referred to as a “port.”

A trochar, a tubular instrument, is inserted into each port in the area where a cancer tumour has begun to develop. Specialized surgical tools and a specialized device with a camera known as a laparoscope are passed through the trochars during the surgical procedure.

Robotic Cancer Surgery

Robotic Cancer Surgery

It is one of the most cutting-edge methods for precisely treating cancer. This surgery employs the most recent “Da Vinci” system.It is the best treatment option for removing tumours from deep inside organs that are difficult to reach.

This is the most recent invention used as an alternative to open and laparoscopic surgery. Robotic surgery is typically used to treat cancer in all stages. A surgical bot aids in the accuracy and precision of these procedures, enabling a 3D vision for the surgeon.

Even though robotic cancer surgery employs cutting-edge medical technology, it also necessitates the immense expertise of a highly skilled and experienced oncologist.

Dr. Sandeep Nayak, one of the leading cancer doctors in India for robotic surgery, believes in scientific excellence. He has travelled internationally to conduct extensive research on advanced laparoscopic and robotic surgical approaches.

Minimally Invasive Neck Dissection

Minimally Invasive Neck Dissection (MIND)

As the name suggests, this surgery treats a cancerous tumour head and neck region. Cancer develops in the mouth (oral cavity), thyroid, pharynx, tonsils, or voice box (larynx).

During this minimally invasive surgery, three to four small incisions are made around the collar bone area to allow the surgeon clear access to the neck. Small wounds reduce the wound related complications and allow early recovery.

Robotic Assisted Breast-Axillo Insufflate Thyroidectomy (RABIT)

RoboticAssisted Breast-Axillo Insufflate Thyroidectomy

Robotic-Assisted Breast Axillo Insufflate Thyroidectomy surgery or popularly known as RABIT, is a replacement for conventional thyroid surgery. This is the latest robotic-assisted treatment for thyroid cancer. It is a scar-free method of removing thyroid tumours. Dr. Sandeep Nayak developed and used this surgical technique to treat his patients over the years successfully.

The surgeon gains access to the thyroid gland during this surgery through small wounds. The incisions are 0.5 to 1 cm long. The RABIT surgical procedure is best suited for removing benign or cancerous tumors of thyroid. Extensive cancers of thyroid can be removed using this technique.

Utilizing the groundbreaking RABIT technique, Dr. Sandeep Nayak has not only advanced thyroid cancer treatment but also reinforced his position as the best oncologist in the world, setting new standards in patient care.

Organ Preserving Onco-Surgeries

During any cancer surgery, it is crucial to preserve the organ. Dr. Sandeep Nayak and his team strive hard to provide the best treatment while preserving cancer-affected organs  The latest laparoscopy and robotic cancer surgery is the best option for saving the organ. This treatment employs cutting-edge technology, which aids in the preservation of the organ and spares the patient from excruciating pain and discomfort.

About Dr. Sandeep Nayak- A Competent Cancer Specialist in India

  • Being called the best oncologist in India entails a great deal of responsibility and accountability. Hundreds of patients from India and worldwide rely on them for survival. As a result, Dr. Sandeep Nayak works long hours to see as many patients as possible and perform several surgeries daily.
  • Dr. Nayak is based in Bangalore and consults at prestigious hospitals like Fortis Hospital and Macs Clinic. In addition to these hospitals, he visits Vasavi Hospital as well, where he operates on charitable patients.
  • He specialises in laparoscopic and robotic surgery for treating malignancies like colorectal cancer, stomach cancer, pancreatic cancer, liver cancer, and esophageal cancer. That isn’t all. He is one of the leading surgical oncologist in India for scarless neck dissection and thyroid cancer surgery.

Dr. Sandeep Nayak Can Be Consulted In The Following Hospitals In Bangalore

Cancer can be cured if detected early!

Cancer, the word itself, sends shivers down our spines. Consider the helplessness and fear that people and their loved ones are experiencing due to this dreadful disease. On the other hand, cancer is not the end of the world because it can be defeated with proper and timely treatment from a seasoned cancer specialist in India.

And who better to help you in your hour of need than Dr. Sandeep Nayak, a renowned top oncologist in India. He has over two decades of experience in this field and is also a pioneer in laparoscopy and robotic cancer surgery in India.

Dr Sandeep Nayak – A Blessing for Cancer Patients

Being considered one of the best cancer doctor in India is no small accomplishment. Aside from his patients, his colleagues also hold him in high regard. Dr. Sandeep Nayak has earned this honour because of his unwavering dedication and determination to his work.  His mission is to alleviate the suffering of cancer patients and contribute to the disease care. He does this by staying up to date on the latest developments in surgical oncology

 Furthermore, Dr. Nayak travelled extensively to learn and receive training in advanced surgical procedures involving laparoscopy and robotics. He believes that these advanced surgical procedures are the best treatment options for cancer patients.

Dr. Sandeep Nayak’s Views on Cancer

According to Dr. Sandeep Nayak, cancer is a disease that needs immediate treatment. In his opinion, “Prevention is better than cure.” As a result, he always emphasises the importance of routine cancer screenings as the best way to combat this deadly disease.

If cancer is detected in its early stages, there is a good chance of beating it and living a cancer-free life. It is critical because the risk of metastasis (cancer spreads to other parts of the body) increases with each passing day.

This is the main reason Dr. Sandeep Nayak takes time out of his busy schedule to spread cancer awareness and how it can be prevented. He makes it a point to attend seminars, medical forums, TV interviews, and other gatherings where he can interact with the public and share his thoughts.

He encourages people, particularly children, to live a healthy lifestyle by eating a balanced diet and engaging in physical activities. Not to forget, abstaining from tobacco and alcohol consumption. Dr. Nayak is, without a doubt, one of the best cancer specialist doctor in India because of his selfless dedication to patients and society.

Frequently Asked Questions

What exactly is minimal access cancer surgery?

Minimal Access Cancer Surgery (MACS) refers to laparoscopy and robotic cancer surgery. This minimally invasive surgery is typically performed for any stage of cancer. The surgeon inserts a laparoscopic instrument during this surgery. 

In contrast to open surgery, where large cuts are made, the laparoscopic instrument is inserted inside the body through small incisions. The laparoscopy instrument is equipped with a camera, allowing the surgeon to obtain clear images of the organ located deep within the body. The images are displayed on a monitor outside.

Does it take longer to recover from laparoscopic surgery completely?

You may be able to resume normal activities 1 weeks after minor surgery, such as appendix removal. The recovery period after major surgery, such as removing your ovaries or kidney due to cancer, can last up to 3 weeks

Is robotic surgery superior to open surgery?

Robotic surgery provides consistent, reliable outcomes with less blood loss, pain, and recovery time than conventional surgical methods.

Is it safe to walk after laparoscopic surgery

Begin by taking a longer walk than you did the previous day. Increase your walking time gradually. Walking increases blood circulation and helps prevent blood clotting, pneumonia and constipation. Avoid strenuous activities such as bicycling, jogging, weight lifting, or aerobic exercise until your doctor says it’s safe.

What should and should not be done after laparoscopic cancer surgery?

There is no restriction on physical activity after 24 hours if you are not on narcotic medication. Do not drive, participate in sports, or operate heavy machinery if you are taking narcotic pain relievers. You may take a bath two days after your surgery.

What are the benefits of laparoscopy and robotic surgery?

There are many benefits associated with laparoscopy and robotic surgery related to the patient during and post-surgery. The major benefits of laparoscopy and robotic surgery compared to traditional open cancer surgery are

  • Reduced pain and discomfort
  • Less blood loss and the need for blood transfusion
  • Few complications post-surgical process
  • The hospital stays will be reduced
  • Less risk of infection
  • Faster recovery and return to normal life.
What is laparoscopy cancer surgery?

Laparoscopy and robotic cancer surgery are also known as Minimal Access Surgery (MACS). This minimally invasive surgery is performed generally for early stages of cancer. In this surgery, the surgeon inserts an instrument called as laparoscopy. The laparoscopic instrument is inserted inside the body by making small incision as compared to open surgery where big cuts are made. A camera is attached to the laparoscopy instrument, which enables the surgeon to get clear images of the organ which is located deep inside the body. The images are shown on the monitor outside.